Thursday 2 July 2009

Media Literacy

  • Media is a changing process and discipline. Media changes with technology.
  • The way we study media is always changing.
  • Media makes you sharper - Young media and the disgital culture.
  • The more media literate you are the less patience you have for someone who isn't (Young to Old people)

Old Media; Normal Physical Sport, Monoplay (Board Games), Letters, Home Telephones, Libary.

New Media; The Wi, The playstations (Computer games), Telephones, Mobile Phones, Google (The Internet)

  • "Moving from AS to A2 it is vital that you undertsand the difference between using and making emdia and being media literate. Your friends that are not doing media maybe able to post something on You Tube, but as a A2 student you should be able to; observe a set of conventions, informed and research based mode of address for audience. theorise your own media creativity and exsititng commerical media texts and products, academic ideas as post mordernism, democracy, representation and disclosure."

The old school style of literacy says its something you do or don't have, however technology has changed the concept.

  • Freires (1972); Who has more power?

People who are not literate (cannot read or write) or those who are literate (can read or write)

Gordon Brown has stated that forgein people that live or are going to live here in england or are claiming benefits in the UK should learn to read, write and speak english in order to integrate into the host society.


Freire Gordon Brown

Social Change

Empower (media literacy empowering) Obligertary


Censorship; Self Regualted, Empowerment, Social Justice (waht gives the right to say I can't see it)

  • James Gee's (2007)

Several Literacy's - 'meta-understanding'

The several literacy's are used at all different times (the right literacy at the correct time)

Powerful Literacy - you can have many literacy's and we should be able to go from one to another (literacy) without even thinking about it.

James Gee suggest we have serval literacy; ie- understanding football talk and then switching to formal work talk (be able to understand both seperately and together)

Meta-understanding = More understanding of literacy.

Digital Literacy;

The digital divide is those who have sccess to digital literacy and those who don't (Social Justice Arguement)

You Tube, Facebook, MP3's and Google are all cultural development that are arising from the technological change.

The more digital literacy the less of the digital divide.

The trouble with digital literacy's is that it is hard to define and vague.

A meme is a popular term for describing the rapid uptake and spread of a particular idea presented as a written text, image, language 'more' or some other unit of cultural stuff. A thing that goes around (a few people start on facebook, now everyone has facebook)

  • Dawkin's (2006)

For our own survival instinct.

Viral Marketing = Ideas spread through culture (a pizza email is sent to 4 people they send the email to another 4 people and it continues.) Pizza express is a good example of this.

Similar to the 70's of passing a joke around. Viral Marketing

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